Friday, December 23, 2011

The important things

Last Friday I had the amazing experience of attending my close friend's birth. She called me at 6:30am and said she had been having contractions since 4a. I got my stuff together, dropped Montana off at school and arrived in Seattle around 11a. I just knew the baby would come in a few hours, so I was surprised that my friend and her husband were still at home laboring and hadn't gone to the hospital yet. She wanted to labor at home as long as possible. The contractions became more intense after I got there and we all headed to the hospital around 1ish (I think). It's amazing how time works during the birthing process. It is slow. It is fast. It doesn't seem to exist. It is all you can think about.
My dear, beautiful friend labored hard all afternoon. She handled contractions with such strength and focus. I was blown away. She was getting tired and still managed each intense contraction without one ounce of drugs. Her husband was also so strong and supportive. They found a rhythm that was beautiful to watch. What a team.
At 6pm the midwife checked her and she was only dilated to 7cm. Really? All that hard work for over 12 hours and only 7cm? This is what I was thinking, but didn't say it of course, but I know my friend was thinking the same thing. The midwife suggested breaking her water and after that things got moving. My friend started pushing at 7pm and little man was born at almost 8:30p. Oh my, I just can't describe how thrilling it was to be there and watch him emerge into the world. He was 9 lbs, that little bugger. And oh so stinkin' cute. Added blessing for me was watching him bond with mommy and daddy.
This day was emotional and powerful and at times very intense for me. Part of what contributed to that emotion was that around 3pm I found out (by email) that our neighbor passed away. We had been expecting it, but it was still surprising to find out. She was a neighbor that shared our faith and so we had a special spiritual connection with her. Here I was at a birth, learning about a death. What things are more core, more pivotal in life? Nothing is more important. Nothing matters more.
Also happening that day was a bridal shower for another special friend. A party to celebrate her upcoming marriage. Because I thought that births don't take that long (based on my experience!), I left in the morning pretty certain that I would be able to make it to at least part of the celebration. As the afternoon went on, I realized that I would not be there to celebrate with my other friend. I was sad, but as this friend graciously reminded me (when I called to tell her I wouldn't be there), I was exactly where I needed to be. She gave me words of hope and encouragement as I sat in all of my own personal emotions.
Life, death, marriage. All in one day. It was powerful. It was emotional. It was very real.
And to be with my friends in such a pivotal life changing event - the birth of their son - what an honor and a joy I will never forget.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Amos Pax turns 1!!

Oh how time flies. Last year at this time, I was back home after a 4hour labor at the Bellingham Birth Center with my sweet boy. Now I have a one year old who is on the verge of walking. They change so much in the first year, don't they? Today, to celebrate, we opened gifts and allowed him to have his way with a chocolate cupcake. It was a simple celebration as a family. Pictures tell the story of the cupcake much better than words:

Happy Birthday Amos!! We love you so much!!

Saturday, December 3, 2011


At the end of this month, we will be moving into a bigger unit here at co-housing and we are all very excited! We have been in our little space for almost 3 years and it has been so good. We started our church here, welcomed Amos here, and have had numerous friends and family visit. For the most part 750 square feet has been good. We are forced to think through every item we bring through the door: where will we put it? is it really necessary? I love that it has enabled us to live simply and without a lot of stuff. Lately, though, I have been feeling tired of being ultra quiet when the kids go down, not having a dishwasher, and having all of my clothes in the kids' closet. Little things have been getting to me and I have longed for just a bit more leg room. I have been praying about this for months and as always God is faithful and He knows when the time is right.

A couple of weeks ago our neighbor approached us about renting from her. Her unit has been on the market and hasn't sold, so she wants to take it off the market and rent to us for one year and then she will resume her attempts to sell. At first we approached the option cautiously because we have had several similar offers that have fallen through, but after a few days of negotiations, we signed a lease! It's official. It's legal. It is still a 2 bedroom unit, but there is another bathroom and an attic and about 300 more square feet. Did I mention all of the closets? Plenty. I feel so blessed to be in a bigger space AND to remain in this community.

Aaron and I have often had the personal space vs. community living conversation. What do we value? We speak about the importance of living in community and talk about how much we love it, but at times our need (desire) for a bit more space would cloud that value. I feel so grateful to be able to be moving within this community. We are so grateful to be here and really believe that God has brought us here.

So all that to say...December will be a busy month with a couple of birthdays (Aaron and Amos), packing, prepping for the holidays, Mason visiting, some dear friends' wedding, and the amazing honor of attending a close friend's birth. And then we will move at the end of it all!! Should be fun. Bring it on!!

Monday, November 28, 2011

Finally Four

"I love being four!"
Announced the FOUR year old this morning.

Yesterday was the big day. Finally four. It's been a long time coming...

We have been celebrating for the last week or so. Last Saturday, Montana had her first kid party while her Grandma and Papa were here from Colorado. Ten kids or so (plus parents too) came (thank goodness for the common house). We decorated cupcakes (I made about 50!), had a book exchange, and whacked a pinata. All in all it was a fun time, with only one minor casualty from the pinata!! I think Montana had a fun time and that's what counts!

Then after her party we went home and opened presents from Grandma and Papa and Uncle Dan and Aunt Sarah and her Colorado cousins. The gift that was probably the biggest hit was the Rapunzel wig! It totally cracked us all up. And check out her pose....

We topped off her birthday celebration day with crab! What a lucky girl....yum!!!

By the time it got to her actual birthday, we were partied out, so we had a very low key day. We started out with pancakes and presents and relaxed most of the day. Montana told everyone she saw that it was her birthday. She was so excited to go to school today to tell her classmates that she is four!

We are so proud of our 4 yr old and the girl that she is becoming. She is imaginative, creative, and silly. She loves being with people. And she knows what she wants! She is riding her bike and enjoying little crafts. She is a great big sister. My heart overflows with love for my special girl.

Happy 4th Birthday, Montana Faith!

Friday, November 25, 2011


Another Thanksgiving away from family. But we have come to love our Thanksgiving with friends. We have hosted several years and typically spend it with friends who are away from their families for whatever reason. This year we missed our friends who moved to Australia last month, but enjoyed it with 3 dear friends. We had a feast of food and fellowship.

I have so many things to be thankful for. Mostly I am so thankful for this little life of mine. I live in a beautiful place, in a community I love, doing things that bring meaning and purpose....and all this with an amazing partner and awesome offspring. At our dinner when we went around the table and said what we were thankful for, I said this, and Montana reminded me not to forget mentioning my kids!

Speaking of Montana, the other day we were at her school for a Thanksgiving Party and Montana and I were doing a craft together. She would tell me what she was thankful for, I would write it on a leaf and she would glue it to the tree. Her answers were fairly basic - parents, brother, God, you know, all the expected things - and then she surprised me when she said, the Holy Spirit! That caught me off guard and so I asked her why she is thankful for the Holy Spirit. She said, "because he 'tects us." Oh, he protects us. Earlier in the week she told a neighbor girl that she was "...thankful for God AND Jesus, but they're like the same thing." Oh my little theologian with simple faith. The Trinity does seem easier to understand when you are 4!

I am thankful. Thankful for family, for friends, for faith, and for food. We are never in need and rarely in want.

And as a side note, yes I WILL be brining my turkey again next year. It was amazing (if I do say so myself!)!!! Here's a link to the recipe I used from Sunset magazine. So yummy. I'm actually thankful for turkey leftovers this year!!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Grandma and Papa visit

Aaron's parents came for a visit last weekend. We had them here for 5 wonderful days. It was such a great time together. Montana was over the moon and loved having them here. She went to bed late and got up early asking when they were coming over. (Our guests usually stay in the shared common house which is so nice because our little condo is so small.)

Some highlights:
~Montana's first kid birthday (I will save another post for that major event!) They got to meet her friends and take care of Amos while mom and dad ran around.
~They watched Amos and Montana Sunday morning so that Aaron and I could go to a church service project kid free!
~All of us took the ferry and visited Pt. Townsend.
~We ate crab and La Fiamma pizza.

We already miss them.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Fashion Corner with Montana Faith

As "dot (and stripe)" girl

Somewhere Montana learned about tucking her shirts in and so that's what she does. All of the time. Trend setter? I think so.

Lately she has been dressing in themes. Monday she was "pink" girl and wore all pink. Today she is "dot" girl and is wearing dots. We don't have tights with dots and she said, "that's okay, mom. I can be dot and stripe girl." Great idea!

I also love the hands on hip pose. This girl is amazing!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Fall Fun


Check out that smile. He looks thrilled.

At the pumpkin patch with my pumpkin (gag) :)

Oh I can't stand his cuteness

My superhero princess in all her glory!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Missing you...

No matter where you go, you will always have someone to miss

On Thursday, Montana and Aaron are going to Ohio for his cousin's wedding. They have been talking about this trip for months. Montana is so excited. She and dad are going to eat pistachios on the airplane and Aaron bought James and the Giant Peach to read together. A new dress was purchased and the twirl factor has been approved. Grandma and Papa Walters will meet them at the airport in Denver and they will fly to Ohio all together. Montana has made a book to read to Grandma and "she will love it." She gets to see her beloved cousins that she misses so much.

But today, she realized that she will miss her teacher and her classmates while she is gone. "And I think they will miss me."

"I am sure they will, Montana. But just think you get see your cousins and you will only be gone for a few days. I bet you miss your cousins when you are at school."

And then it hit me. No matter where we go, there is always someone to miss. And I told Montana that.

That's what makes living here so hard. And the longer we stay, the harder it would be to go back. I miss my family like crazy, but there are people here who I would miss if we left. I actually already do miss a few people who have recently moved away. Our very good friends recently moved to Australia and I am going to miss them like crazy. Close neighbors are moving 20 minutes out in the county and I am going to miss seeing them around co-housing almost everyday. There are lots of changes and transitions happening all around. So many people to miss. I miss my family daily and if we moved back I would miss my neighbors and the wonderful friends we have made. It leaves me longing for a day when good-byes don't exist and we never have to miss anyone. What will that be like?

And as I write this, I am reminded how beautifully blessed I am by so many relationships...and that I actually miss them when they are not near. Thank you. You all know who you are.

Saturday, October 15, 2011


We found a bike on the side of the road last week. It guessed it...purple with princesses. And Montana is doing so awesome at riding it. My heart overflows with pride.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Fashion Corner with Montana Faith

Where did this girl come from?
This was her hiking attire for a recent family hike.

I was actually horrified recently when in the grocery check-out lane, Montana spotted a tabloid with a picture of a young girl from the show "toddlers and tiaras" and said "Mom I love her dress..."

Ready for dance class in her leotard and tights. So stinkin' cute!

Thursday, October 6, 2011


Like many people, fall is probably my favorite time of year. What is it about pumpkin, brisk days, and apple cider that is so darn heart-warming? Maybe the nostalgia or the excuse to be cozy? Whatever it is, I love it. But I also love the summer here in the Northwest and the availability of so much amazing produce. I was reminded this past week visiting my sister in Wyoming that we have it pretty good.

This summer Aaron, Montana (although she mostly ate her weight in berries), and I picked 14 lbs of raspberries and 50 lbs of blueberries. I ordered a case of peaches, a case of pears, and a case of nectarines from a farm in Eastern Washington. We used several pounds of apples off of the trees at co-housing. I have had fun making jam, learning to can peaches, and making pear sauce. Our freezer is full of berries and our supply is quickly dwindling. Next summer we will have to pick more! We also bought a CSA (community supported agriculture) share and so every other week we get a box of organic goodness. I am so grateful for the abundant harvest.

Amos enjoying the abundance...beets and blueberries!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Stuff Runners Like

Last year about this time I decided that my post pregnancy goal would be to run the Bellingham Bay 1/2 Marathon. I did it! Aaron and I ran it together and it was a great time, despite the very blustery fall day. I was so glad that I followed through. While we were running we watched other runners to help pass the time and couldn't help but think of our version of "Stuff White People Like" and "Stuff Christians Like"....

Stuff Runners Like

Here's a few:
1. The farmer's blow on the side of the road
2. Wearing shirts from other races
3. Back handed compliments (Telling a fellow runner..."you're doing great" as you pass them up a hill)
4. Nasty power gels
5. Drinking cheap beer at 10am because it's free
6. Unique warm up routines

Do you have any to add??

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Side by Side

Our babies at about the same age...

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Fashion Corner with Montana Faith

Another fashion moment brought to you by Montana Faith. She is digging the pant/tutu/t-shirt combo these days.

By the way...
Is it normal for a 3 year old to beg her mother to go to the "kid clothes" section while grocery shopping at Fred Meyer? "I just want one thing, mom!" I replied with "NO!" because earlier in the week she picked out those pink shoes in the photo and begged me to buy them. Thankfully they were on clearance (and stinkin' adorable). Ah, my little shopper. She has been spending too much time channeling her Aunt Emily.

Monday, September 12, 2011

1st Day of School

Yay! The Walters' household rejoices. Montana returns to preschool!!
She is going 3 days a week and LOVES it.

( And this mama loves it, too.)

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Monatana's Prayer - 8.30.11

Montana, to date, doesn't pray out loud. Often we just ask her what/who she wants to pray for, and then we do the honors. Last night was one of the first times were she broke this rule. I noticed she was repeating what I was praying, which was cool. After I finished, I asked her if she wanted to pray about anything else. What followed was one of the most precious things I've heard. I tried to remember it all but only was able to write down the following (BTW, Kate is not pregnant):

"Thank you for houses, birds, trees. Thank you for my house, and clothes you give us, forever and ever. Thank you for mama and dad and my brother, and for mama having another baby. Thank you for our house. Amen."

Monday, August 29, 2011

Fashion Corner with Montana Faith

Fashion tip #74:

It's never too hot for scarves and tights.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Don't get me wrong. I LOVE being a mom. I mean, how could I not love being a mom to my spunky 3.5 year old and my adorable 7 month old?


You knew it was coming.

I miss having long, uninterrupted, deep conversations with friends whether on the phone or in person. I am always distracted by a child who needs something. I feel like I forget important details or events in people's lives, if I ever heard them to begin with. I miss the ease of leaving my house to go for a run or a hike or to meet up with a friend. I wish that staying out late didn't mean 8pm and sleeping in didn't mean 8am. Mostly I just don't ever feel fully present and I hate that.

I wouldn't give up this season of my life for anything, but I lament that I don't have the freedom and flexibility and attention span that I had pre-kids.

I know my friends understand, but I just want them to know that I know and I'm sad. Part of me is missing. But for now, this is where I am...distracted by my kids. And I know it won't last forever.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Our Jaunt to South Dakota: Part 3: Grandma's Celebration

We celebrated my Grandma's 80th Birthday while we were in So. Dak. The whole family was together. We had a little "program" to honor Grandma. My cousin played guitar and sang and my sister, brother and I even did our own little "number." The coolest thing the family did was each give Grandma a rose and tell her what we appreciated about her. It was really cool to hear everyone's feelings about this wonderful woman. Grandma is the most hospitable person I know. She makes a meal from nothing and serves people sacrificially. There are always people in her home and she makes everyone feel important. Buying locally, reducing, reusing and recycling were practically invented by her. She would fit right in here in Bellingham!! But most importantly, she has created a spiritual legacy by loving Jesus and leading her family toward Him. I love you, Grandma. Happy Birthday!

The whole family
(minus Bloom and Amos who were both exhausted)
taken by my friend, Alyssa!

Monday, July 11, 2011

Our Jaunt to South Dakota: Part 2: The Lake

Oh, Iron Creek Lake, how I love thee. I played in your waters as a kid. My parents were engaged there (officially - more to that story!). We went night fishing with my Grandpa Wayne. You bring in the most random mix of people, which makes for incredible people watching. And 4 years ago, my parents made the investment of a lifetime - a 1958 trailer with no running water right near your small, but timeless body of water! Now we can visit you every summer. Montana hasn't missed a summer of her life.

I love that my parents have memories at Iron Creek Lake, I have memories of the Lake and now my kids are making their own memories. Forgive me if I'm nostalgic, but there is something absolutely magical about that place.

Our Jaunt to South Dakota: Part 1: Yellowstone

We just returned from our annual summer trip to South Dakota and my parents' little "lakehouse" by Iron Creek Lake outside of Spearfish. The day after The Table's first anniversary (woot! woot!) we loaded up our trusty red Subaru with a roof rack (thanks, Cody!) and headed south and east. Our plan was to take our time getting to South Dakota, taking a few back roads and going through Yellowstone. I loved our short 5 hour drive through Yellowstone. We had to be escorted to our car after lunch because it was surrounded by elk. Then we saw a grizzly bear, tons of bison, and a wolf right along the road. Aaron and I were amazed by the animals...I think Montana was a bit young to fully appreciate it, although she did like the museum with the "fake" fox!

Herd of people...Yellowstone has an abundance. You see them everywhere.

This wolf was wandering in the road and then we drove right by him.
It was a little scary to be so close!

Grizzly Bear minding his own business while hundreds of people stopped to watch him.
Can anyone say traffic jam??

Montana and Mr. Fox

Family picture taken by an Asian teenager who was stoked to take our photo!