Saturday, December 3, 2011


At the end of this month, we will be moving into a bigger unit here at co-housing and we are all very excited! We have been in our little space for almost 3 years and it has been so good. We started our church here, welcomed Amos here, and have had numerous friends and family visit. For the most part 750 square feet has been good. We are forced to think through every item we bring through the door: where will we put it? is it really necessary? I love that it has enabled us to live simply and without a lot of stuff. Lately, though, I have been feeling tired of being ultra quiet when the kids go down, not having a dishwasher, and having all of my clothes in the kids' closet. Little things have been getting to me and I have longed for just a bit more leg room. I have been praying about this for months and as always God is faithful and He knows when the time is right.

A couple of weeks ago our neighbor approached us about renting from her. Her unit has been on the market and hasn't sold, so she wants to take it off the market and rent to us for one year and then she will resume her attempts to sell. At first we approached the option cautiously because we have had several similar offers that have fallen through, but after a few days of negotiations, we signed a lease! It's official. It's legal. It is still a 2 bedroom unit, but there is another bathroom and an attic and about 300 more square feet. Did I mention all of the closets? Plenty. I feel so blessed to be in a bigger space AND to remain in this community.

Aaron and I have often had the personal space vs. community living conversation. What do we value? We speak about the importance of living in community and talk about how much we love it, but at times our need (desire) for a bit more space would cloud that value. I feel so grateful to be able to be moving within this community. We are so grateful to be here and really believe that God has brought us here.

So all that to say...December will be a busy month with a couple of birthdays (Aaron and Amos), packing, prepping for the holidays, Mason visiting, some dear friends' wedding, and the amazing honor of attending a close friend's birth. And then we will move at the end of it all!! Should be fun. Bring it on!!

1 comment:

Kim said...

I can't wait to see the new place and I am SO happy for you that you will now have a bedroom door, a dishwasher and more closets!! woot woot!! Now, if only we were able to move closer to you, then your life would be perfect! hahaha!!