Monday, November 28, 2011

Finally Four

"I love being four!"
Announced the FOUR year old this morning.

Yesterday was the big day. Finally four. It's been a long time coming...

We have been celebrating for the last week or so. Last Saturday, Montana had her first kid party while her Grandma and Papa were here from Colorado. Ten kids or so (plus parents too) came (thank goodness for the common house). We decorated cupcakes (I made about 50!), had a book exchange, and whacked a pinata. All in all it was a fun time, with only one minor casualty from the pinata!! I think Montana had a fun time and that's what counts!

Then after her party we went home and opened presents from Grandma and Papa and Uncle Dan and Aunt Sarah and her Colorado cousins. The gift that was probably the biggest hit was the Rapunzel wig! It totally cracked us all up. And check out her pose....

We topped off her birthday celebration day with crab! What a lucky girl....yum!!!

By the time it got to her actual birthday, we were partied out, so we had a very low key day. We started out with pancakes and presents and relaxed most of the day. Montana told everyone she saw that it was her birthday. She was so excited to go to school today to tell her classmates that she is four!

We are so proud of our 4 yr old and the girl that she is becoming. She is imaginative, creative, and silly. She loves being with people. And she knows what she wants! She is riding her bike and enjoying little crafts. She is a great big sister. My heart overflows with love for my special girl.

Happy 4th Birthday, Montana Faith!

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