Sunday, September 25, 2011

Stuff Runners Like

Last year about this time I decided that my post pregnancy goal would be to run the Bellingham Bay 1/2 Marathon. I did it! Aaron and I ran it together and it was a great time, despite the very blustery fall day. I was so glad that I followed through. While we were running we watched other runners to help pass the time and couldn't help but think of our version of "Stuff White People Like" and "Stuff Christians Like"....

Stuff Runners Like

Here's a few:
1. The farmer's blow on the side of the road
2. Wearing shirts from other races
3. Back handed compliments (Telling a fellow runner..."you're doing great" as you pass them up a hill)
4. Nasty power gels
5. Drinking cheap beer at 10am because it's free
6. Unique warm up routines

Do you have any to add??

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Side by Side

Our babies at about the same age...

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Fashion Corner with Montana Faith

Another fashion moment brought to you by Montana Faith. She is digging the pant/tutu/t-shirt combo these days.

By the way...
Is it normal for a 3 year old to beg her mother to go to the "kid clothes" section while grocery shopping at Fred Meyer? "I just want one thing, mom!" I replied with "NO!" because earlier in the week she picked out those pink shoes in the photo and begged me to buy them. Thankfully they were on clearance (and stinkin' adorable). Ah, my little shopper. She has been spending too much time channeling her Aunt Emily.

Monday, September 12, 2011

1st Day of School

Yay! The Walters' household rejoices. Montana returns to preschool!!
She is going 3 days a week and LOVES it.

( And this mama loves it, too.)