Thursday, February 27, 2014

Dear Montana

I wrote this for Montana 2 years ago in response to a presentation my sister shared about "body love".  I just found it and it is an excellent reminder for me and my relationship with food and my body... 


May the love that you have for yourself now continue through your teen years (and beyond). I pray that adolescence and our looks-focused society does not rob that from you. May you resist "fat talk" when peers start using it heavily. It's like cursing, it will not be allowed in our house. Eating and exercise are activities that I hope you will thoroughly enjoy, and the true delight that comes from them won't be laden with guilt and shame. I pray that you will love and accept others, regardless of where their food and body journey has taken them. May we have a healthy relationship to food and our bodies in our home and may we spread that to those we interact with. Let's be part of the change that's so desperately needed!

All of my love,

Monday, February 10, 2014

Off to bed

The bed time routine in this house is pretty much a well oiled machine...when dad is home. With Dad gone more evenings now, I am left to the wolves. (On a side note...single parents and military get major props from me).

Tonight went well enough, but Silas hit a wall about the time that I began reading to the I found myself holding the library book, attempting to nurse a squirmy baby while big sister played peek-a-boo with him (HELLO, I am trying to READ!) and what is this I feel? Amos, are you seriously licking my arm right now?  And these, they have so many WORDS.  I also probably shouldn't save the Bible story for the end, because by then I feel like a major hypocrite reading about Jesus' love and the courage of His followers. We scampered upstairs with a short song and threats to stay in bed.  And then there was Amos' plea, "sleep with me".  I laid down with him and he reached over to me, squeezed my neck, and breathed with his hot 3 year old breath, "I love you, mom."

I lingered another moment and then ran downstairs and poured a large glass of wine.