Thursday, March 17, 2011

Today a new schedule started. It's a bit ridiculous, between one car, two kids, preschool, one meeting and two appointments...but I think we've figured it out.

Aaron leaves the house with the car and Montana around 9:15a. He drops her off at school and heads to a meeting. I leave the house around 10:30a with Amos and take the bus downtown. Aaron leaves his meeting early, picks Amos up from my office a few minutes after 11a. I see my clients at 11:30a and Aaron waits for Montana to get done with preschool at 12p. I finish up my client around 12:30p and the three of them come pick me up. We head home and eat lunch. Aaron works for 2 hours and I prepare for a 3:30p client. Aaron decides that he wants to take the kids for a big walk, so everyone loads in the car. I drop them off near Western's campus and drive to the office. I finish up around 4:30p and the three of them stumble into my office exhausted shortly after. We decide to go out to eat. Pepper Sister's it is. Phew. What a day!

Thankfully I don't have my afternoon client every week, but Thursday mornings are all about navigating and coordinating. I actually feel like much of our lives is arranging, coordinating, and organizing. Aaron and I are more business partners these days than anything else. We are always talking about schedules, plans, and budgets. We fall into bed at night, exhausted. But for all of these crazy days, I am thankful for a faithful, patient, flexible partner. He is so supportive of me working on getting my counseling license and has sacrificed some of his schedule and work to accommodate my work. And so far we've managed to do it without outside childcare, besides the occasional times. I am thankful for our one car. It reminds us to use our legs, bikes, and public transportation. It is paid for and insurance is cheap. All in all - we are blessed.

Monday, March 14, 2011

The Secret to Long Hair

Hair Treatment #79:

Glue Stick

Montana has been into having/wanting long hair. In order to achieve this goal, she has tried soap, water, lotion and now a glue stick.

The truth must be working. Her hair IS getting longer.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

So Talented

This is a video Aaron made of the kids and the amazing things they can do! Amos is 3 months!!