Wednesday, June 2, 2010


I never talked about my wonderful little jaunt to Wyoming at the end of April to meet my nephew, Bloom. I am thinking about it now at 4:30am when I can't sleep because I was wishing that I was there again. It was such a wonderful, restful time of connection. Montana was left at home with her dad and I got on a plane ALL BY MYSELF. I wasn't sure I would remember how to travel alone, but it came back to me very quickly. I had 5 days of down time. It was everything I wanted and needed: from sleeping in to yoga class everyday to spending time with my mom to holding a sweet newborn to making my sister nap to watching tv. It was glorious. Thank you Emily and Heath for letting me come and BE in your home and for having a baby in the first place. What a gift. And when can I come back?