Friday, November 25, 2011


Another Thanksgiving away from family. But we have come to love our Thanksgiving with friends. We have hosted several years and typically spend it with friends who are away from their families for whatever reason. This year we missed our friends who moved to Australia last month, but enjoyed it with 3 dear friends. We had a feast of food and fellowship.

I have so many things to be thankful for. Mostly I am so thankful for this little life of mine. I live in a beautiful place, in a community I love, doing things that bring meaning and purpose....and all this with an amazing partner and awesome offspring. At our dinner when we went around the table and said what we were thankful for, I said this, and Montana reminded me not to forget mentioning my kids!

Speaking of Montana, the other day we were at her school for a Thanksgiving Party and Montana and I were doing a craft together. She would tell me what she was thankful for, I would write it on a leaf and she would glue it to the tree. Her answers were fairly basic - parents, brother, God, you know, all the expected things - and then she surprised me when she said, the Holy Spirit! That caught me off guard and so I asked her why she is thankful for the Holy Spirit. She said, "because he 'tects us." Oh, he protects us. Earlier in the week she told a neighbor girl that she was "...thankful for God AND Jesus, but they're like the same thing." Oh my little theologian with simple faith. The Trinity does seem easier to understand when you are 4!

I am thankful. Thankful for family, for friends, for faith, and for food. We are never in need and rarely in want.

And as a side note, yes I WILL be brining my turkey again next year. It was amazing (if I do say so myself!)!!! Here's a link to the recipe I used from Sunset magazine. So yummy. I'm actually thankful for turkey leftovers this year!!

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