Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Amos Pax is Here

A mere 3 days, (12/11/10) after my last post, our son, Amos Pax was born...

The Story:
It began on a Saturday morning. I woke up at 6:30a and was experiencing a few contractions. But this wasn't new, I had had some contractions earlier in the week that turned out to be nothing. I was definitely wide awake so I went for a walk and then went about my morning as usual along with a quick trip to the grocery store, buying a few extra things "just in case". Aaron met some friends for a run, so I thought I would go along and take another short walk while Montana played with friends. I was having a few more contractions, but definitely not getting my hopes up! Aaron and our friends came home after the run and we hung out for while and then after they left, my contractions started getting stronger and more frequent around noon. I wasn't sure when to call my midwives, because I had already called twice before and it turned out to be nothing. I didn't want to be the girl who cried wolf. By 1pm they were more intense and regular, so I decided to call. I talked with the midwife and she told me I could go to the Birth Center at 2p and we could check in, but I didn't want to waste her time if it was nothing, so I asked if we could just check in on the phone. So we agreed, I hung up, and 20 minutes later I was doubled over and could barely talk. I called her back and somehow told her that I needed to meet her at the birth center. Aaron was running around trying to get packed for himself, me and Montana and I was of little help to him at this point. Aaron ran Montana over to our neighbor, Auntie Caca (as we lovingly refer to her) and I hobbled to the car and laid in the back seat. I had started to write a few friends and family a text, but couldn't finish it, so Aaron drove like mad to the birth center while making a few phone calls (don't tell that he was driving and talking on the phone!). We made it to the birth center around 2p, I fell on the bed with an intense contraction, and by the time the midwife was able to check me I was already 8cm dilated. I started pushing around 3:30, Amos Pax entered the world a few minutes after 4pm, and I fell in love all over again.

The birth center was such an amazing experience. Amos was immediately laid on my chest and his vitals were checked and then the midwives sat down and just let the 3 of us soak in the moment. We laid there with the umbilical cord still attached for a good 20 minutes. Aaron cut the cord and I sat up to nurse Amos.

Aaron called our friends who were taking Montana overnight to Lynden. They were at cohousing picking her up, so we asked them to bring Montana to meet her brother. Aaron introduced Montana to her brother, Amos, and Montana got weepy and said, "his name isn't Amos, it's Chubby Orange." For a brief moment I felt really sad that we didn't name him Chubby, but I think those were the hormones thinking for me and that thought quickly dissipated. Montana got to hold her brother (before Aaron did) and she said "I'm so happy." She left for a splendid evening with a teenager who played dress up with her and made a tent for her to sleep in, fruit snacks galore, and she even got to see the other teenage daughter and her friends all dressed up for a dance. I think she left the birth center and probably thought "what brother?"

Aaron and I were ready to go by 7:30 and made it home by 8pm. The birth center's philosophy is that you rest best at home and both Amos and I were fine and healthy, so that's what we did...headed home to rest. Aaron joked about heading to the mall to finish up some Christmas shopping and then stopping for supper at Boundary Bay on our way home, but we went straight home.

We chose for him the name, Amos Pax, because of the Old Testament prophet who spoke of social justice and reminded the Israelites of God's concern for the poor and oppressed. Amos means "to carry" and Pax is "peace" in Latin. Our prayer for him is that he will carry peace wherever he goes.

Everything went so smoothly. It was an amazing experience (I was definitely not thinking that DURING labor) and I am so thankful that my son is here in time for Christmas. He is the best gift this year, by far! God is the giver and sustainer of life and my heart is full of gratitude for all He has done!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


I didn't have to wait with Montana. Her birth caught us completely by surprise at 36 weeks. Today I am 38 weeks pregnant - more pregnant than I've ever been - and I have to admit the anticipation is killing me. I've told myself that this baby will very likely be on time or even late, but I didn't really want to believe myself. At least 2 or 3 times in the last week, I was convinced that I was about to go into labor and even called my midwives.

My mom just left today after 8 days here. Right before she got here I was having some contractions and just felt that the baby would come while she was here. We ran around like crazy women "just in case the baby comes tomorrow..." But alas he didn't come, but we got alot done.

I have heard everything from, "looks like you've dropped" to "you haven't even dropped yet" to "I have a feeling you'll have the baby soon" to "this baby will probably be late" to...you name it. I choose to only listen to the people who say that he's coming soon and completely ignore the comments on him being late.

I know, I know, I'm being ridiculous, my due date is still 2 weeks away, but it's funny making plans/not making plans during the holiday season. Will I be up for that Christmas party or will I be too big and fat to even get in the car? Or will I be having a baby? Or will I have a newborn?

I have to admit that the anticipation is kind of fun, too. Not knowing when baby's birthday will be, wondering if tonight is the night, and packing a bag. Stuff I didn't think about with Montana. I never had a chance to analyze every pain, contraction, change in my body like I do now. But I may actually even get around to making a birthing playlist for my ipod this time.

Aaron and I were talking about the anticipation of a son being born this time of year. It's kind of cool to think about Mary taking a bumpy donkey ride to Bethlehem (maybe I should give that a try!). Perhaps she wasn't close to her due date yet, or maybe she was late and couldn't wait to get baby Jesus out. Either way, she was probably nervous about birth but was excited to meet her son. What was her anticipation like? Did she have contractions on the way? Of course I'm not in anyway comparing myself to Mary and my son to Jesus, it just makes the Christmas story more real, more human this year.

As I anticipate the birth of my son, I am reminded of the anticipation of the celebration of Jesus' birth and what that means to us today. It brings me focus and reminds me not to get so caught up in all of the crazy details this time of year. I'm waiting and longing to meet my son, but also I am longing when one day I will meet my Jesus face to face. What a day THAT will be! For now, I am anxiously awaiting the arrival of my son. Will he come tonight?

Monday, November 29, 2010

36 weeks

36 weeks pregnant. I'm thinking that I will be more pregnant than I've ever been, considering Montana's early birth. Definitely feeling very pregnant, but I don't think I'm quite ready for the baby yet. But if he's anything like his sister, ready or not, he will come when he wants.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Happy Birthday, Montana!

Dear Montana,

Happy 3rd Birthday! Today I can't believe you are already 3, but other days I forget that you are only 3 and not 7 or 16! For your birthday this year, we woke up and ate pancakes and opened presents and then went and got our Christmas tree! You wore a pink tutu all day with your new sparkly shoes from Grandma, along with a pink Barbie band-aid on your forehead because the night before you fell and bonked your head on a chair. The Barbie band-aid made it feel all better!

You are a constant delight to us. Currently your favorite things can mostly fall under the "p" category. You love preschool, penguins, princesses, pink, people, and your new panda. The pictures that you have been drawing and coloring have seriously amazed me. The other day you cut something out by yourself so well that I am still in awe. You are picking up on so many things and are very observant. So observant and curious, in fact, that your new favorite question is "WHY?" I love you and I am very glad that you are so curious, but I hope that question doesn't drive me to insanity!!

I think you are excited to be a big sister. I don't think you have any idea what is really coming, but it's fun to see your excitement. I love the name that you have chosen for your brother...Chubby Orange...and it's consistently been that name for the past 2 months or so. I think you are going to be a fabulous big sister. You will be such a good helper and a good friend to your little bro.

Because I am pregnant right now, wondering if this baby will have a similar entrance to the world as you did, I am thinking about your birth alot. What a crazy whirlwind it was, but knowing you now and your extroverted personality, I can't help but wonder if you knew there was a party on the outside and you just couldn't wait to get out. Looking back on that week you were born...15 people held you in your first day of life! You continue to be surrounded by people and you handle it so well. We have had a few days when you've told me, "let's just stay home," but most days you are excited when you know you get to see friends.

Here is what I wrote about your birth once the dust settled a bit.

I am so proud of you and love you to pieces. I have enjoyed reading books with you and have valued the time that we've gotten to spend together. You are a joy to my heart and I can't imagine life without you. May you continue to love people and we continue to pray that you will have faith that will move mountains. In the words of Jesus, "Don't be afraid, Montana. Just believe."

All of my love,

Thursday, November 25, 2010


My belly is full, along with my heart. I have so much to be thankful for. A home, clothing, health, community, family, a calling, and a savior. Today was spent with friends and food. And snow! How can I forget the beautiful snow falling from the sky?!?

And now at the end of the day, I am tired, but a good tired. The upcoming weekend is still full of celebrations and my mom comes next week. I love this time of year and I am so thankful for a loving, supportive family along with good, authentic friends to celebrate with. Thank you, God, for your mercies that are new each morning. I am beyond blessed. May I live from a grateful heart.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

My husband

Today I am thankful for my husband. And not just because he brings me flowers or coffee cards or bubble bath for no reason. And it's not because he's been gone for 2 days and I miss him. And of course it's not because he puts Montana to bed and does the dishes. It's not because he is excited about the work he is doing, but still makes time for me and Montana. It's definitely not because he has a quirky sense of humor or because he looks at chess strategy books for fun.

Well...okay...maybe it IS all of these things that make me thankful that I am married to an amazing partner who happens to be a great friend.

Friday, November 12, 2010

kindness of strangers

Today I am thankful for the people that we have met through the Firehouse Cafe, where Aaron works a couple of days a week. One woman learned that we were having a boy, so she contacted us and wanted to give us a "few" things. I went to "J's" house and she had a box of wonderful boy clothes, a stroller, bouncy seat, and then later brought us a car seat and a bag full of cloth diapers. She gave it all to us and said that they were done having kids and wanted to see some of these things go to a specific baby boy. I am blown away by her generosity and kindness. I hope she knows what a tremendous blessing it was to us. My heart is full of gratitude for her and her family.

Next Sunday a few coffee shop regulars and employees want to have a baby shower for us. Again, I am humbled by their thoughtfulness and kindness. People in general have such kind and generous hearts and I truly hope that I am leaving room in my heart and life for generosity and kindness to those I encounter.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


I love my mom and my sister. I feel so blessed to have good relationship with both of them. Yesterday I blabbed to my sister and this morning I blabbed to my mom. I hate that they are so far away, but I am so thankful I have them. I love you Mom and Em so much. Thanks for being uniquely you and loving me for being uniquely me.

And by the way, we need to take some pictures together. I didn't have much to choose from!!

Sunday, November 7, 2010


Tonight I am thankful for that extra hour of sleep that I may get if I can go back to sleep.

And also I am thankful for crockpots.

Friday, November 5, 2010


Today I am thankful for living in community. I love living in co-housing. Don't get me wrong, it definitely has its dysfunctional moments, but for the most part it is a great place to live and raise a family. I'm thankful for this opportunity to be here.

I'm also very grateful for our larger community of friends. We are surrounded by amazing people. I am so thankful that we have been here for only 2 years, but feel that we have made some genuine lifelong relationships. I am thankful for all my peeps!!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Practicing gratitude

Yesterday a friend's facebook status challenged me to practice gratitude for the month of November rather than waiting for Thanksgiving day. I thought this was a fantastic idea, so I will try to practice gratitude daily and post when I can.

Today, I am thankful to be pregnant and to have a healthy, relatively easy pregnancy. Several people I love have experienced miscarriages and others cannot get pregnant for various reasons and still others have very difficult pregnancies. I am so thankful to experience the miracle of carrying a baby and feeling it move and grow. I am thankful that my body is stretching and changing and naturally readying me for birth. Yes, I am thankful today for being big and pregnant!

(Picture: 29 weeks pregnant in Mexico!!)

Sunday, October 31, 2010


I've never been a huge Halloween fan. Maybe it was because of the tacky decorations or Christian culture's semi-ban of Halloween. You know how that goes...one year it's okay to celebrate, the next it's evil, and the next you are too cool to care. And I've never really been into dressing up, but when I do dress up I get all stressed because the costume must be ultra creative and outside of the box.

For example, my first year at grad school at Trinity Western, my classmates had a "Harvest Party" and we were to come dressed as farmers, harvesters, etc. Of course Aaron and I, being Aaron and I, decided that was too boring. We didn't want to be like everyone else, so we donned our Hawaiian Shirts and leis and went to the party as Banana Harvesters, toting Hawaiian Punch to share with our new friends. Well needless to say, we spent all night explaining that, yes, we did understand the instructions, and "no, we're Banana HARVESTERS, get it?!?" They certainly were not amused as we were.

Then there was the year when we were invited to a costume party and about 30 minutes before the party we were scrambling for costume ideas. Aaron had his old Starbucks apron, so I threw on a black shirt and pants and the apron and went as...no, not a barista, but a college graduate. And then Aaron found our Obama pin (the costume party was a few days before the elections) and decided he would go as a socialist, mocking all of the media commentary about Obama being a socialist. Again, we spent the evening explaining our "costumes" and on our way home realized that again, they were not as amused as we were.

This year, however, Halloween has been fun, almost magical even. Maybe it was my friend who LOVES Halloween. Maybe it was Montana being in preschool and needing a costume, maybe it was carving pumpkins once a week for the last 2 or 3 weeks. Maybe it was all of the parties this weekend. I don't know, but it was fun. I even dressed up and I didn't try to over think it, I just tried to get as close to a princess (per Montana's request and plea) as a pregnant woman can get. We dressed up last night AND this afternoon. Today we took Montana to Fairhaven with some friends where most businesses were passing out candy and there were so many people dressed up. It was an event. Then we came back to co-housing and trick or treated with the neighbor kids. Montana was in HEAVEN. She and another girl kept shouting "I LOVE Halloween". Who can blame them? You get to dress up and run around with your friends collecting candy.

So here's to many more Halloweens. I'm letting go of past negative feelings towards Halloween and embracing the day. It may still take awhile for me to embrace the tacky decorations, but bring on the pumpkins, parties, and costumes!! I have a feeling the next few years will be a lot of fun. So Happy Halloween Everyone!!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Book Club

The new chapter of a book club.

What possibly can be more fun than a group of ladies, eating snacks, drinking wine, talking about books and anything else that likely comes up?

Tonight will be the second meeting of our new book club and I'm excited. I don't know half of the women, but I like them. I think that we are a random group and we picked out some pretty random books, but I think it's great. The book we are discussing tonight is David Sedaris' hilarious book, Me Talk Pretty One Day.

Oh my gosh, I don't think I've ever laughed so hard reading a book. I read it in Mexico and I would start laughing and poor Aaron would feel left out, so I would read him a passage only to start laughing louder. You need a light read and a good laugh? Pick this book up! It's the perfect book to read before bed. My favorite chapter? "Big Boy." Why is it that I am 32 years old and I still laugh at all things related to poop? Will I ever outgrow this? I mean, seriously, it's ridiculous.

But thanks just the same to David Sedaris for giving me a good belly laugh. I needed it.

And for the record the book wasn't all about poop. There was other funny stuff too.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


I hate to make you jealous, but I'll tell you anyway, our recent trip to Mexico was Fantastic!! To celebrate 10 years of marriage and to prepare ourselves for baby #2 and a church plant, we went to Mexico for 7 glorious days...just the 2 of us! We had an intentional layover in Denver in which we dumped our daughter off on our parents and then made it to the Cancun gate with a few minutes to spare.

And what did we do when we got to Mexico? NOTHING. We woke up to the waves, walked a mile to Turtle Bay Cafe, lingered over coffee and breakfast, and got back to our condo where we sat on our little private beach the rest of the day. We would often interrupt our book reading with a snorkel and maybe a beverage. I read almost 3 books, Aaron and I had uninterrupted conversations, and I didn't get too sunburned. It was so great that we decided to stay married another 10 years just so we can do it again. Although I truly hope we will not wait that long for another vacation like this. We got home and actually felt rested.

Before we left for Mexico, we decided that it would be a completely "unplugged" vacation. No cell phones, no internet, no movies, and we didn't even listen to music. It was so good to be away from all that technology. However, we were missing our girl, so we found the condo managers and they let us briefly check email in their office twice. The first time we checked we found this email from Aaron's mom:

We have had a wonderful time with Montana so far. She is so sweet and innocent! And Friendly! Here are some highlights of Saturday and Sunday.

: Playing with Madelyn and Will and some fighting...Tomorrow Madelyn in school so Will gets his chance to play.

: A Picnic and popcicles.

: A fun bath

: Successful pooping after many tries. Again on Sunday. Is she done for the week? Who knows?

: Strawberry Shortcake movie

: Decorating a birthday cake for Papa with Madelyn and Will. Fun and sweet!

: Quiet time with Grandma and Papa

Montana quotes!

: I'm so glad to see you! ( Love it!)

: I love you Papa. Let's all go and hug Papa!

: I love co-housing!

We are having fun! and I know you are too.

Love, Mother"

After this wonderful update, we were able to last a few more days before checking email again.

What a blessing this trip was. I am reminded of what good friends Aaron and I are. I thoroughly enjoy spending time with him and it was so good to just hang out with my best friend for one week. At home we so often act as business partners. We negotiate schedules, childcare and budgets, we entertain guests, and we make lists and plans and preparations, but we don't make a lot of time to just hang out and laugh or talk about silly books we are reading or good music we've discovered. I am so grateful to be reminded that my partner is a really fun person to hang out with. Here's to 10 years of marriage to my best friend. And let's go back to Mexico soon! Who's coming?

Sunday, September 19, 2010

...and so it begins

Montana started preschool last week. I know she isn't 3 yet, but we felt that she would love going somewhere to play with kids and we want to get her some structure before the baby comes in December and her world is turned completely upside down. I have to confess that a couple of hours at home to myself before the baby comes was rather appealing as well. She was so excited to go, although she was not very happy about us trying to take her picture every 2 minutes and was even less thrilled with the video camera. We did manage to capture a couple of good ones, however. We got to school and she ran right in and started playing. I had to walk over to tell her good-bye and and "Montana, look at me. I love you. Have fun." Yeah, mom, whatever. See you later. I got a little teary and the teacher assured me that it's usually harder on mom than the kiddos. She deals with parents leaving their kid for the first time every year, but this was MY first time. I never experienced it before. Aaron and I got back in the quiet car and we realized this was the first day of about 20 years (give or take) of school for Montana. Wow! Maybe we are getting her started too early, maybe we are speeding things up unnecessarily...but when I walked into my house by myself, I thought, well she's gotta go to school sometime!! :)

We are so proud of our little girl and so excited for this new chapter for her.

Friday, September 10, 2010

25 week comparison

25 weeks pregnant with Montana in Michigan

And exactly 3 years later (in the same shirt!)
25 weeks pregnant with "Junior" in Washington

Thursday, September 9, 2010

From Montana's Mouth

The other morning, Montana was full of cute quotes. I had to write them down before I forgot.

Monday on Labor Day, Montana said, "let's go to the library." I replied, "I think it's closed today, but I'll check." Montana then said, "I'll check my phone." She held out her hand, looked at it and said, "It's 30 o'clock and it's open."


The other day I was wearing a sweatshirt and Montana told me to take it off. I told her that I was cold and wanted to keep it on. She then goes on to say, "Take it off, mom. God will keep you warm."

How's that for a spiritual lesson?

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Bad Timing?

Did I tell you? The church started. The Table is what we call it. We've gathered for worship about 6 times or so. It's a new season. And it's exciting to see it start after almost 2 years of prayer and preparation. So at the height of reaching out, building relationships, gathering a community of worshippers who serve their neighborhoods, I find myself pregnant. When momentum for the church is high and our focus is outward and Aaron is excited and motivated, my energy and emotions aren't quite there. My energy is going toward growing a life inside of me. I want to stay at home more. I am tired much more easily by people and events. This seems to be such terrible timing. I don't want to hinder the momentum of this new season, but at the same time I don't feel in the space to ride the wave either.

I was reminded by a wise friend, however, that maybe this isn't terrible timing. Maybe it's God's way of helping our family establish boundaries early in church ministry. Maybe it's a way for me as a "pastor's wife" to maintain my identity and not get wrapped up inappropriately with church life. Maybe it's a way to protect my children and give them space to grow and be instead of always doing things, going places, and being with people. This reframe of what seems to be bad timing has encouraged me immensely. It's a reminder that God's way is the best and most times I have no clue what He is up to. Maybe that's why it took us over a year to get pregnant again. So perhaps this timing isn't so bad. Now the next step is just to learn how to balance it - to know when to give and reach out and to know when it's okay to stay home and just be. Ahhhh....balance....the secret to this life! When I finally figure out the formula to balance, I will write a book!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

From Montana's Mouth

Montana: "Someday I be a mama. And my kid will say let's watch a movie."

Montana's mama: "And what will you say when you're a mama?"

Montana: "Yeah. Sure"

Montana will probably let her kid eat ice cream for breakfast, too. Because that's what SHE wanted for breakfast this morning.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Summer pics

Some highlights of our road trip to SD where we saw family, family, and more family. Loved it!

Sweet girl, Montana

Anniversary hike

Emily, Heath, Bloom (sporting the shades)

Baby Bloom

Aaron taking a sweet shot over my very tall cousin. And yes, he made the shot!!

Montana with her 2nd cousins!

Montana is an awesome road tripper. She was made for the road!

I love this photo of my mom and dad!

Mason and Bloom

On the 1880 train through the Black Hills

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

32 years old and 20 weeks pregnant

My birthday was perfect. I got to celebrate with 2 good friends over breakfast, shopping and a beverage on the porch on a beautiful day. Then the evening was topped off with sushi with my hubby and a drive down Chuckanut Drive for the sunset. 32 is off to a good start, especially knowing the little guy (20 weeks) is healthy.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

3 years ago

Three years ago, Aaron and I were going through a lot of transition. There was a move to Michigan for 3 months, a visit to Swaziland, a purchase of cell phones and a pregnancy. We felt like life as we knew it had been dumped upside down. Well here we are three years later with a newly started church, a new job for me, and another pregnancy. Seems as if change and transition is part of the pregnancy game! The crazy thing is this baby's due date is the exact same day as Montana's was - December 22.

Yesterday we found out "junior" is not a girl, but a boy! Aaron, Montana and I were all convinced it was a girl. We had talked about girl names, watched sisters play at the park, and were looking forward to re-using all of Montana's clothers. Yet the little guy, according to the ultrasound, is definitely a little GUY! It took me the better part of yesterday to get used to the idea of having a boy. But today we are getting so excited to meet our little man and even bought a few things for him today. I know a lot of people like to be surprised about the sex of the baby these days, but I am so glad we found out. It gives me a greater connection with the pregnancy and my son that is growing inside of me. I love being able to say "him" and "he". I am so thankful that we can prepare Montana for a little brother. She was a bit disappointed when we told her that the baby is a boy. She said, "no she's a girl. I have a sister." She also is adjusting well to the idea of brother.

So, change, it is a comin' to the Walters house. Ready or not. Hopefully this little guy will not surprise us with an early arrival like Montana. We will be staying home this Thanksgiving, just in case!!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


I never talked about my wonderful little jaunt to Wyoming at the end of April to meet my nephew, Bloom. I am thinking about it now at 4:30am when I can't sleep because I was wishing that I was there again. It was such a wonderful, restful time of connection. Montana was left at home with her dad and I got on a plane ALL BY MYSELF. I wasn't sure I would remember how to travel alone, but it came back to me very quickly. I had 5 days of down time. It was everything I wanted and needed: from sleeping in to yoga class everyday to spending time with my mom to holding a sweet newborn to making my sister nap to watching tv. It was glorious. Thank you Emily and Heath for letting me come and BE in your home and for having a baby in the first place. What a gift. And when can I come back?

Saturday, May 8, 2010


And, yes, our 3 eggs that we hoped to hatch, indeed did not hatch. We were very sad. We are left only now with Judy and Apple who are growing at an incredible rate.

So there is the chicken update and the potty update. How's that for disappointment?? :)

Potty Update...Day 26

ARGGGGG! After 5 pairs of underwear today, I'm not convinced that this potty training thing is working.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Speaking of babies...

We have 2 and 3 more are due any day now.

Aaron, Montana, and I eat lots of eggs. I mean lots. We have talked about having chickens for a long time, but for those of you who know us, know that we TALK about alot of things. Well my friend, Lea, helped put a stop to our talking, by giving us chicken eggs to hatch plus 2 other chicks. She brought our 2 chicks on Monday, and we are anxiously awaiting the hatching of our 3 other chicks. I have a fear that the 3 eggs are not going to hatch at all and we will only have Judy and Apple (named by our sweet 5 yr old friend).

We will keep you posted on the hatching of the other 3, yet to be named. And here's the other thing...should we really be naming these chicks?? We are new to ALL of this. Much is to be learned in this process!!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Welcome Bloom Oliver

One week ago Bloom Oliver was born to my sister, Emily and her husband Heath. He was a whopping 5 lbs 14 oz and 20 inches long. He just a little peanut and so wonderful. This quote inspired Bloom's name:
"I hope you will go out and let stories happen to you, and that you will work them, water them with your blood and tears and your laughter till they bloom,
till you yourself burst into bloom."

We are so glad you're here, Bloom.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Day One

Let the potty training begin. I'm officially sick of diapers and Montana has shown interest in the past (let's hope I didn't miss the window!) and there are a couple of other signs, like a dry diaper after nap. We went to Target this morning and bought princess pull-ups and princess underwear (her choice, not mine) and also an Elmo potty/sticker chart. I told Montana that once she gets 10 stickers on the chart she can pick something out at the store and has already asked 3 or 4 times in the last 30 minutes if she can have a dress and I've said 3 0r 4 times in the last 30 minutes that she can have a dress once she goes potty 1o times.
I'm not really sure what I'm doing, but here we go. I swore that I would never potty train with candy, but here I am, attempting to potty train with M&Ms AND stickers. Who knew it could be so fun to go to the bathroom?
Any words of wisdom on potty training you would care to share??
Let the pottying begin!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Red Lentil Coconut Curry Recipe

Every Monday night we have a potluck/biblestudy at our house. I make a pot of soup and everyone brings something to share. This week I made this soup and it was a hit. It was so good that I had to share. The recipe is from the cookbook Simply in Season.

Red Lentil Curry Coconut

If time allows, place can of coconut milk in freezer 20 minutes before starting to cook. Open can and remove solidified coconut butter from the top to use in sauteing.

1 large onion (minced)
In large soup pot saute in coconut butter or 1 T oil over medium-high heat until transparent but not browned.

1 T garlic (minced)
1 T ginger root - peeled and minced (I used 1/2 tsp-ish of ground ginger)
2 tsp curry powder
1/2 tsp each - ground turmeric, ground cumin, pepper
1/4 tsp ground red pepper
1/4 tsp ground cinnamon
2-3 bay leaves
Add and reduce head to medium-low. Cook and stir constantly for 3 minutes; do not let spices and onion brown.

13.5 oz can of coconut milk
1/4 cup tamari or soy sauce
1 cup tomato sauce
Add and simmer on low heat for 20 minutes, stirring often.

2 cups dried red lentils (rinsed)
5 cups water
In a saucepan cook for 15 minutes. Add, with liquid, to soup pot.

1 medium head cauliflower (cut into 1 1/2 inch florets)
1 large sweet potato (peeled and cut into 1 inch cubes)
1/4 head cabbage (cut in 1 1/2 inch chunks)
1-2 cups peas (optional)
Add to soup pot and cook over medium heat just until tender. If using peas, add at the end of cooking time.
Serve over brown rice with toppings (optional): Indian chutneys and pickles, fresh diced pears, roasted sunflower seeds, plain yogurt.

So yummy!! Enjoy!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Emily and Heath Visit

But you wouldn't really know since most of the pictures are of Montana! We had amazing weather and such a good time. It made me miss my sis even more, though. She better have that baby soon, so I can go to Wyoming and see her and the baby (oh and Heath too, of course!). Love you guys so much!!!