Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Sacred Space

The other day I realized that my bed is truly a sacred space for me.  I know it's a weird thought.

A good portion of my life is spent in it...sleeping. I fall into bed every night exhausted. My days are full, but at night I crawl under the covers, pick up a book, and take a deep breath. I stretch my legs out and finally let go of the day and prepare for the next. And usually read 2 pages before I drift off.  But the bed is also so much more.

My bed is about rest, but it's also about connection.  Amos takes his naps in my bed.  We read a story and have a moment to connect before he rests. Sometimes if the stars align, Aaron or I will rest with him.  And again before bed Aaron reads to the kids in our bed.  There are cuddles and talk about the day. Prayers are said. When we enter that space, we all slow down.  It's here where the important things happen.

My bed is about intimacy.  Intimacy with my children, but also my husband. We have heart felt conversations lying side by side. Our legs touch. And it goes without saying that 3 children were conceived in that sacred space.  My 3rd baby was born in that bed and I have nursed my babies in the wee hours of the morning in that bed.

My bed is a sacred space.  My family goes there for rest, connection and intimacy.  It is the most special space in my house. I think I should go there now!

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