Monday, October 17, 2011

Missing you...

No matter where you go, you will always have someone to miss

On Thursday, Montana and Aaron are going to Ohio for his cousin's wedding. They have been talking about this trip for months. Montana is so excited. She and dad are going to eat pistachios on the airplane and Aaron bought James and the Giant Peach to read together. A new dress was purchased and the twirl factor has been approved. Grandma and Papa Walters will meet them at the airport in Denver and they will fly to Ohio all together. Montana has made a book to read to Grandma and "she will love it." She gets to see her beloved cousins that she misses so much.

But today, she realized that she will miss her teacher and her classmates while she is gone. "And I think they will miss me."

"I am sure they will, Montana. But just think you get see your cousins and you will only be gone for a few days. I bet you miss your cousins when you are at school."

And then it hit me. No matter where we go, there is always someone to miss. And I told Montana that.

That's what makes living here so hard. And the longer we stay, the harder it would be to go back. I miss my family like crazy, but there are people here who I would miss if we left. I actually already do miss a few people who have recently moved away. Our very good friends recently moved to Australia and I am going to miss them like crazy. Close neighbors are moving 20 minutes out in the county and I am going to miss seeing them around co-housing almost everyday. There are lots of changes and transitions happening all around. So many people to miss. I miss my family daily and if we moved back I would miss my neighbors and the wonderful friends we have made. It leaves me longing for a day when good-byes don't exist and we never have to miss anyone. What will that be like?

And as I write this, I am reminded how beautifully blessed I am by so many relationships...and that I actually miss them when they are not near. Thank you. You all know who you are.

Saturday, October 15, 2011


We found a bike on the side of the road last week. It guessed it...purple with princesses. And Montana is doing so awesome at riding it. My heart overflows with pride.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Fashion Corner with Montana Faith

Where did this girl come from?
This was her hiking attire for a recent family hike.

I was actually horrified recently when in the grocery check-out lane, Montana spotted a tabloid with a picture of a young girl from the show "toddlers and tiaras" and said "Mom I love her dress..."

Ready for dance class in her leotard and tights. So stinkin' cute!

Thursday, October 6, 2011


Like many people, fall is probably my favorite time of year. What is it about pumpkin, brisk days, and apple cider that is so darn heart-warming? Maybe the nostalgia or the excuse to be cozy? Whatever it is, I love it. But I also love the summer here in the Northwest and the availability of so much amazing produce. I was reminded this past week visiting my sister in Wyoming that we have it pretty good.

This summer Aaron, Montana (although she mostly ate her weight in berries), and I picked 14 lbs of raspberries and 50 lbs of blueberries. I ordered a case of peaches, a case of pears, and a case of nectarines from a farm in Eastern Washington. We used several pounds of apples off of the trees at co-housing. I have had fun making jam, learning to can peaches, and making pear sauce. Our freezer is full of berries and our supply is quickly dwindling. Next summer we will have to pick more! We also bought a CSA (community supported agriculture) share and so every other week we get a box of organic goodness. I am so grateful for the abundant harvest.

Amos enjoying the abundance...beets and blueberries!