Thursday, April 21, 2011

Love these kids

Amos is 4 months! At his appointment this month he weighed in at 13 lbs 4 oz and is 25 inches long.
You know, when Montana was born I remember thinking that I would never feel so much love or experience that moment ever again. But then Amos was born and it was just as special as it was with Montana. I look at both of my kids and have complete love.
And I have to say, there is something about having a boy that is just great. He is so sweet and smiley and he looks at me so adoringly. Before I had Amos my friend jokingly said about her son that no woman could ever love him as much as she does...and now I get it, even though it was a joke!:)

Here's to my four month old...absolute love...

And here's to my daughter. Full of spunk and personality and 3 year old attitude. Love this girl...

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