our attempts to balance: love.life.family.work.friends.worship.play.grace.truth.
Monday, November 29, 2010
36 weeks
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Happy Birthday, Montana!
Dear Montana,
Happy 3rd Birthday! Today I can't believe you are already 3, but other days I forget that you are only 3 and not 7 or 16! For your birthday this year, we woke up and ate pancakes and opened presents and then went and got our Christmas tree! You wore a pink tutu all day with you
r new sparkly shoes from Grandma, along with a pink Barbie band-aid on your forehead because the night before you fell and bonked your head on a chair. The Barbie band-aid made it feel all better!

You are a constant delight to us. Currently your favorite things can mostly fall under the "p" category. You love preschool, penguins, princesses, pink, people, and your new panda. The pictures that you have been drawing and coloring have seriously amazed me. The other day you cut something out by yourself so well that I am still in awe. You are picking up on so many things and are very observant. So observant and curious, in fact, that your new favorite question is "WHY?" I love you and I am very glad that you are so curious, but I hope that question doesn't drive me to insanity!!

I think you are excited to be a big sister. I don't think you have any idea what is really coming, but it's fun to see your excitement. I love the name that you have chosen for your brother...Chubby Orange...and it's consistently been that name for the past 2 months or so. I think you are going to be a fabulous big sister. You will be such a good helper and a good friend to your little bro.
Because I am pregnant right now, wondering if this baby will have a similar entrance to the world as you did, I am thinking about your birth alot. What a crazy whirlwind it was, but knowing you now and your extroverted personality, I can't help but wonder if you knew there was a party on the outside and you just couldn't wait to get out. Looking back on that week you were born...15 people held you in your first day of life! You continue to be surrounded by people and you handle it so well. We have had a few days when you've told me, "let's just stay home," but most days you are excited when you know you get to see friends.
Here is what I wrote about your birth once the dust settled a bit.
I am so proud of you and love you to pieces. I have enjoyed reading books with you and have valued the time that we've gotten to spend together. You are a joy to my heart and I can't imagine life without you. May you continue to love people and we continue to pray that you will have faith that will move mountains. In the words of Jesus, "Don't be afraid, Montana. Just believe."
All of my love,
Happy 3rd Birthday! Today I can't believe you are already 3, but other days I forget that you are only 3 and not 7 or 16! For your birthday this year, we woke up and ate pancakes and opened presents and then went and got our Christmas tree! You wore a pink tutu all day with you
You are a constant delight to us. Currently your favorite things can mostly fall under the "p" category. You love preschool, penguins, princesses, pink, people, and your new panda. The pictures that you have been drawing and coloring have seriously amazed me. The other day you cut something out by yourself so well that I am still in awe. You are picking up on so many things and are very observant. So observant and curious, in fact, that your new favorite question is "WHY?" I love you and I am very glad that you are so curious, but I hope that question doesn't drive me to insanity!!
I think you are excited to be a big sister. I don't think you have any idea what is really coming, but it's fun to see your excitement. I love the name that you have chosen for your brother...Chubby Orange...and it's consistently been that name for the past 2 months or so. I think you are going to be a fabulous big sister. You will be such a good helper and a good friend to your little bro.
Because I am pregnant right now, wondering if this baby will have a similar entrance to the world as you did, I am thinking about your birth alot. What a crazy whirlwind it was, but knowing you now and your extroverted personality, I can't help but wonder if you knew there was a party on the outside and you just couldn't wait to get out. Looking back on that week you were born...15 people held you in your first day of life! You continue to be surrounded by people and you handle it so well. We have had a few days when you've told me, "let's just stay home," but most days you are excited when you know you get to see friends.
Here is what I wrote about your birth once the dust settled a bit.
I am so proud of you and love you to pieces. I have enjoyed reading books with you and have valued the time that we've gotten to spend together. You are a joy to my heart and I can't imagine life without you. May you continue to love people and we continue to pray that you will have faith that will move mountains. In the words of Jesus, "Don't be afraid, Montana. Just believe."
All of my love,
Thursday, November 25, 2010
My belly is full, along with my heart. I have so much to be thankful for. A home, clothing, health, community, family, a calling, and a savior. Today was spent with friends and food. And snow! How can I forget the beautiful snow falling from the sky?!?
And now at the end of the day, I am tired, but a good tired. The upcoming weekend is still full of celebrations and my mom comes next week. I love this time of year and I am so thankful for a loving, supportive family along with good, authentic friends to celebrate with. Thank you, God, for your mercies that are new each morning. I am beyond blessed. May I live from a grateful heart.
And now at the end of the day, I am tired, but a good tired. The upcoming weekend is still full of celebrations and my mom comes next week. I love this time of year and I am so thankful for a loving, supportive family along with good, authentic friends to celebrate with. Thank you, God, for your mercies that are new each morning. I am beyond blessed. May I live from a grateful heart.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
My husband
Well...okay...maybe it IS all of these things that make me thankful that I am married to an amazing partner who happens to be a great friend.
Friday, November 12, 2010
kindness of strangers
Today I am thankful for the people that we have met through the Firehouse Cafe, where Aaron works a couple of days a week. One woman learned that we were having a boy, so she contacted us and wanted to give us a "few" things. I went to "J's" house and she had a box of wonderful boy clothes, a stroller, bouncy seat, and then later brought us a car seat and a bag full of cloth diapers. She gave it all to us and said that they were done having kids and wanted to see some of these things go to a specific baby boy. I am blown away by her generosity and kindness. I hope she knows what a tremendous blessing it was to us. My heart is full of gratitude for her and her family.
Next Sunday a few coffee shop regulars and employees want to have a baby shower for us. Again, I am humbled by their thoughtfulness and kindness. People in general have such kind and generous hearts and I truly hope that I am leaving room in my heart and life for generosity and kindness to those I encounter.
Next Sunday a few coffee shop regulars and employees want to have a baby shower for us. Again, I am humbled by their thoughtfulness and kindness. People in general have such kind and generous hearts and I truly hope that I am leaving room in my heart and life for generosity and kindness to those I encounter.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
And by the way, we need to take some pictures together. I didn't have much to choose from!!
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Tonight I am thankful for that extra hour of sleep that I may get if I can go back to sleep.
And also I am thankful for crockpots.
And also I am thankful for crockpots.
Friday, November 5, 2010
Today I am thankful for living in community. I love living in co-housing. Don't get me wrong, it definitely has its dysfunctional moments, but for the most part it is a great place to live and raise a family. I'm thankful for this opportunity to be here.
I'm also very grateful for our larger community of friends. We are surrounded by amazing people. I am so thankful that we have been here for only 2 years, but feel that we have made some genuine lifelong relationships. I am thankful for all my peeps!!
I'm also very grateful for our larger community of friends. We are surrounded by amazing people. I am so thankful that we have been here for only 2 years, but feel that we have made some genuine lifelong relationships. I am thankful for all my peeps!!
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Practicing gratitude

Today, I am thankful to be pregnant and to have a healthy, relatively easy pregnancy. Several people I love have experienced miscarriages and others cannot get pregnant for various reasons and still others have very difficult pregnancies. I am so thankful to experience the miracle of carrying a baby and feeling it move and grow. I am thankful that my body is stretching and changing and naturally readying me for birth. Yes, I am thankful today for being big and pregnant!
(Picture: 29 weeks pregnant in Mexico!!)
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