Tuesday, March 23, 2010

too familiar for normal

March has been, to say the least, Ca-RAZY. It started off with visitors from Seattle and Vancouver and a job training. Yes, I got a job! Then 1 day of cooking for a common meal and then Aaron, Montana and I were off for a little 2 day getaway. A Christian camp/conference center offers free lodging to pastors in the winter during the mid-week. We decided to take full advantage of it. It was a much needed rest, but we came home and jumped right back in...hosting a church planting leadership dessert at our house. Thankfully dessert came from the Firehouse Cafe (where Aaron works). Then it was the weekend which actually tends to be our busiest time. (go figure...I tried to tell Aaron that when he signed up for this ministry thing! I think he may tire of me saying "I told you so" every Sunday when Sunday afternoon naps are only a distant memory) It was during that weekend that our 2 yr old who was simply walking in the park with her hands in her pocket tripped and chipped her front tooth. After freaking out I made it home and Montana and I were exhausted. 2 days later my beautiful pregnant sister and her husband arrived for 5 fantastic days. While they were here, we had 2 trips to the dentist with the end result - a pulled front tooth. Then it was the weekend again. Wash and repeat. Oh yeah, and then Aaron left for a trip to Michigan and had to be at the airport at 4:30am. Whew...is this my normal life, or was this just an uncommonly busy couple of weeks? It feels a little too familiar to be uncommon. This week is catch up, be at home, enjoy the sunshine, and breathe...

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