Somewhere between family visiting, Aaron getting ordained, and Thanksgiving, our little girl turned one! She didn't do too bad for her very first birthday - 3 celebrations in all. The first party was with both sets of Grandparents and my cousin Kristin. She got new toys, a few new clothes and her aunt Emily sent her a bike of all things! The 2nd party was her actual birthday which was Thanksgiving. She had turkey with all the fixings and devoured a piece of pumpkin pie before our eyes. Our good friends Jared & Stacy and their boys and Aime were there to commemerate . Just when we thought it was all over, we joined in with Montana's friends, Ruby and Will, who were celebrating their first birthdays too. So more cake and more partying. It's exhausting turning one.

She did a great job of tearing into the multiple gifts from grandparents and aunties.

Riding (well kind of) her new bike. She loves it!!

Pumpkin Pie - YUM!

3 one-year-olds hard at play
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