Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Earth Day Challenge

I have been thinking alot about the environment lately and how much we waste in North America. In talking with a friend about my concern, she challenged me to do something about it. So this year in celebration of Earth Day (which was on Sunday, Apr 22), one thing I decided to do is to not go to coffee unless I have my mug. I know this sounds minor, but I think about the wasted coffee cups that I alone produce and you know, it really adds up. (Although it probably makes me sound more like a coffee addict than anything else!) It has been a few days since I've started and it's not that hard, it just takes a bit more effort and thought. On Sunday when I was out with a friend, I actually decided not to get coffee on our way home because I didn't have my mug...now I'm not just saving a wasted cup, but money too! Not too shabby!

Check out the Earth Day link above to discover other simple ways to do your part in reducing waste and saving energy. It's as simple as taking a shorter shower everyday, starting a compost, walking or riding your bike when possible, and avoiding products that have alot of packaging. (For example, I just bought toilet paper from Costco, which on a side note I'm beginning to believe is from the dark side, anyway, every single roll of toilet paper was individually wrapped inside of the big package which creates ALOT of unnecessary waste. No more T.P. from Costco, Kate)

I have moments where I get super overwhelmed and wonder what only one person can do to change the mess that we are in...but if we all do something little and play our part...just think of the positive impact we can make! God has created us a beautiful earth and I want to take care of it! Now come on, isn't this is exciting!?!?


Emily said...

We celebrated earth day by taking out the kids (dogs) and doing some rock climbing, then drinking tea on top a big ol' rock and watching the sun set (even though it was cloudy). We decided that we should start a new tradition of making earth day resolutions. My earth day resolution was to stop using my car around town. One of our friends decided to start a compost, another wanted to start recycling in her house, and yes we had a mug for coffee resolution as well. Hip, Hip, Horay for starting to think about the earth. Now pass me the dooby.

Anonymous said...

Kate -
You are so right!!! We have to leave this place better than we found it. We are working on it...recycling, composting, keeping the toilet paper use to a minimum!!! I have a bag I take to the grocery so i don't get so many little plastic bags. I avoid buying large brightly colored plastic objects for the grand babies and am trying to walk and bike more. I love the coffee mug idea and will do the same and harass others to join in. Let's keep it beautiful and make it better...all of us a little at a time. Thanks for the encouragement.