Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Practicing gratitude

Yesterday a friend's facebook status challenged me to practice gratitude for the month of November rather than waiting for Thanksgiving day. I thought this was a fantastic idea, so I will try to practice gratitude daily and post when I can.

Today, I am thankful to be pregnant and to have a healthy, relatively easy pregnancy. Several people I love have experienced miscarriages and others cannot get pregnant for various reasons and still others have very difficult pregnancies. I am so thankful to experience the miracle of carrying a baby and feeling it move and grow. I am thankful that my body is stretching and changing and naturally readying me for birth. Yes, I am thankful today for being big and pregnant!

(Picture: 29 weeks pregnant in Mexico!!)


Unknown said...

Good for you (being grateful for pregnancy!) It is definitly something that can easily be taken for granted. I'm so excited to meet the newest little Walters in the near future (and to see Montana - she's getting to big already!)

Kim said...

And I am thankful for you and yours....