Sunday, September 19, 2010

...and so it begins

Montana started preschool last week. I know she isn't 3 yet, but we felt that she would love going somewhere to play with kids and we want to get her some structure before the baby comes in December and her world is turned completely upside down. I have to confess that a couple of hours at home to myself before the baby comes was rather appealing as well. She was so excited to go, although she was not very happy about us trying to take her picture every 2 minutes and was even less thrilled with the video camera. We did manage to capture a couple of good ones, however. We got to school and she ran right in and started playing. I had to walk over to tell her good-bye and and "Montana, look at me. I love you. Have fun." Yeah, mom, whatever. See you later. I got a little teary and the teacher assured me that it's usually harder on mom than the kiddos. She deals with parents leaving their kid for the first time every year, but this was MY first time. I never experienced it before. Aaron and I got back in the quiet car and we realized this was the first day of about 20 years (give or take) of school for Montana. Wow! Maybe we are getting her started too early, maybe we are speeding things up unnecessarily...but when I walked into my house by myself, I thought, well she's gotta go to school sometime!! :)

We are so proud of our little girl and so excited for this new chapter for her.

Friday, September 10, 2010

25 week comparison

25 weeks pregnant with Montana in Michigan

And exactly 3 years later (in the same shirt!)
25 weeks pregnant with "Junior" in Washington

Thursday, September 9, 2010

From Montana's Mouth

The other morning, Montana was full of cute quotes. I had to write them down before I forgot.

Monday on Labor Day, Montana said, "let's go to the library." I replied, "I think it's closed today, but I'll check." Montana then said, "I'll check my phone." She held out her hand, looked at it and said, "It's 30 o'clock and it's open."

The other day I was wearing a sweatshirt and Montana told me to take it off. I told her that I was cold and wanted to keep it on. She then goes on to say, "Take it off, mom. God will keep you warm."

How's that for a spiritual lesson?

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Bad Timing?

Did I tell you? The church started. The Table is what we call it. We've gathered for worship about 6 times or so. It's a new season. And it's exciting to see it start after almost 2 years of prayer and preparation. So at the height of reaching out, building relationships, gathering a community of worshippers who serve their neighborhoods, I find myself pregnant. When momentum for the church is high and our focus is outward and Aaron is excited and motivated, my energy and emotions aren't quite there. My energy is going toward growing a life inside of me. I want to stay at home more. I am tired much more easily by people and events. This seems to be such terrible timing. I don't want to hinder the momentum of this new season, but at the same time I don't feel in the space to ride the wave either.

I was reminded by a wise friend, however, that maybe this isn't terrible timing. Maybe it's God's way of helping our family establish boundaries early in church ministry. Maybe it's a way for me as a "pastor's wife" to maintain my identity and not get wrapped up inappropriately with church life. Maybe it's a way to protect my children and give them space to grow and be instead of always doing things, going places, and being with people. This reframe of what seems to be bad timing has encouraged me immensely. It's a reminder that God's way is the best and most times I have no clue what He is up to. Maybe that's why it took us over a year to get pregnant again. So perhaps this timing isn't so bad. Now the next step is just to learn how to balance it - to know when to give and reach out and to know when it's okay to stay home and just be. Ahhhh....balance....the secret to this life! When I finally figure out the formula to balance, I will write a book!