Thursday, November 20, 2008

Grandma, we got a POUNDING

A few months ago my mom told me that Grandma's church used to give their pastors "poundings." This refers to large amounts of food that the congregation would leave for the pastor at the pastor's door. So my mom started joking about us getting "pounded". I didn't think this really happened anymore, but last night...we got a "pounding"!! The youth group stopped by with bags and bags of groceries - over 20 in all. Aaron was at a meeting, but I was home and boy was I surprised when I opened my door to about 12 high schoolers with a ton of food. It is from the whole church, and I am blown away. Not only was there food, but cash and a Safeway gift card (and toilet paper and kleenex which is not pictured!). I won't have to go to the store for months. Again I feel so blessed and welcomed by this community. Moral of the story: "poundings" do still happen! And if anyone needs any green beans, corn, or pasta...just stop by!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

freely receive, freely give

Last Saturday Aaron and I were looking forward to an afternoon and evening of wine tasting and delicious food in Seattle with special friends who are celebrating their 30th year. We found willing friends across the border in Canada to dump Montana for the day. So we dropped her off and headed south...oh but first we had to wait at the border just to get back into the US (where we had just come from 30 minutes prior) for over 1.5 hours. By the time we crossed back into Lynden, we were starved, so we stopped to grab a coffee and sandwich. We got 2 minutes down the road and noticed that the temperature gauge in our car was past the "H" - we were definitely overheating. We turned right around and drove straight to the mechanic where our car was a few days earlier and caught them just as they had closed. The mechanic took a quick peak and suggested that we don't drive far. First reaction...huge disappointment on missing the big event in Seattle (I was so excited for an adult outing!). Second thought...well at least we didn't get far and we can leave the car at the mechanic and walk home. Third thought... HOLY CRAP - how are we going to get our daughter back into the US without our car?? Aaron thought it would be best not to drive the car and potentially damage our only car even greater and so we started thinking of people to call for help. The people that we know the best in Lynden were out of the country (like overseas - not just in Canada). So we called a local pastor here in town that we have spent some time with and asked him if we could borrow a car to pick up our daughter in Canada. He was at the mechanic's in less than 10 minutes, and we were on our way to Canada to pick up Montana. We got home that evening and ate bean quesadillas and watched a movie. I didn't want to think about the delicious wine and food our friends were partaking of in Seattle. But my final thought of the evening...we are surrounded by good people. To have a family let us borrow their car so willingly was such a blessing to us. Eventually we would have figured out a way to get Montana, but this family made it so much easier for us. They didn't hesitate to help us when we were in need. This is what it means to be a Christian - to hold our "things" loosely, to give up our time, to be available for those in need. This is the kind of Christian...the kind of human...I want to be. To freely give. Yeah, it might not seem like that "big of a deal" but to 2 people who are new to the community, who don't know who to call, and a daughter stranded in another was a big deal. Thanks Jim and Nadine.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Monday, November 3, 2008

Montana's crib

I'm 11 months old and I now I have my very own crib. A family from our new church is generously letting me borrow this crib. I don't have to sleep in the pack 'n' play anymore, but I have to admit...I think I'm going to miss it. Tonight is my very first night and it took me awhile to fall asleep, maybe tomorrow night will be easier.

This is my parents' lame excuse for Halloween costumes. A socialist, college grad (aka barista), and love child...

At least Aime and Ashley had creative costumes. They are cool people and I think I will hang out with them more.

I'd like for you to meet my newest friend, Will. He is only 4 days younger than me. I like to chase him around.

But don't worry, still have my heart.

This is my rad shirt from Uncle Mason that shows that girls can like science AND the color blue.

Isn't my dad so cool playing the guitar?

Tomorrow is a big day and I don't even realize it, but mom and dad have made me watch all kinds of political tv. I just really want to watch cartoons.