April 1. Exactly two months until my due date. And exactly two days until I get on a plane to go to Arizona with Aaron and our close friends. Did I mention that the kids are staying home with Grandma and Papa (thank you!)??
Yes, we are going to collect sunshine and warmth for the Northwest Spring that tends to be rainy. It is supposed to be 90 degrees while we are in Arizona and my goal is not to complain about the heat, but to soak it in and absorb as much Vitamin D as possible.
I am also going to collect happy thoughts about my husband. You see, in about 3 months I will likely not have very happy thoughts about my husband in the middle of the night when I get up to nurse the baby again. I know what's ahead with a newborn. It is an exciting, sweet time with a new little one, but it is also exhausting and I remember the sleep deprivation well. More than ever with a new baby, my husband and I become business partners negotiating schedules and children and chores. It's too easy forget that he is my friend and I like him. A lot.
So, we are leaving the kids behind to have some fun with our friends and with each other. Just like I am going to collect sunshine for the rainy days, I am going to collect happy thoughts for the long nights. Arizona seems like the perfect place to do both.
In 2 days, I will be sitting beside a pool soaking in the sun with my buddy beside me.