I didn't know that in raising children there would be so many decisions. Which preschool? When? Which activities? What will they like? Am I overstimulating them? When is a good time for the first sleepover? With whom? Should I let them watch another 20 minutes of tv? What about that show? You get the point. Perhaps I'm over thinking it or maybe I am not thinking enough....Arggggghhh. And you tell me this is just the beginning?!?!
I am a horrible decision maker. I don't do well on the spot and I don't do well with loads of time to think. Often I just have to follow my initial gut reaction. And then sometimes I second guess my gut and make a "logical" decision that doesn't feel good and I later regret. I must sound a bit crazy.
And then sometimes I need to back pedal on something that I never decided to begin with. I never really thought about it. For example, we've let Montana watch the show "hannah montana". At first, I thought it was no big deal. It was funny she liked the show and I thought it was cute because it was part of her name, but yesterday when I told her we had to leave the house she said, "I better take my phone in case my boyfriend calls." What?! Yeah, it's probably time to stop watching shows about teenagers. How am I going to back pedal this one?
But you know what? I am going to make bad decisions and my kids are probably going to make bad decisions too. But i believe there is Grace that will cover us. I guess humans that parent humans are apt to screw up now and again. However, I want to make wise decisions and not over analyze everything to death and I think that means sometimes trusting my gut.