Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Sister visit

Tomorrow the kids and I are headed to Colorado to visit family and friends. We are so excited. And just a couple of weeks ago my sister, and my adorable niece, Anjali, were here for a glorious 5 day visit. I love it when our trips are close together because it makes saying good-bye so much easier. Our time together consisted of going to coffee, feeding the kids, putting them down for naps, seafood, and going to bed early. Low expectations for the day, but great times of connection. Here are a few highlights:

Montana was in heaven! Aunt Emily curled her hair, painted her nails, and took her shopping. Those two are 2 peas in a pod!

Nudey time!!
When does being naked with your cousin become awkward?

Trying to get Montana to start babysitting so we can go to coffee alone!

Ani sporting her shades

Ani with Montana's Rapunzel wig. Montana loved picking out clothes for Anjali. She was like her very own live doll. And for some reason so much more interesting than her brother.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

These adorable moments...

Are brought to you today by all of the crazy, whiny, hair-pulling moments that some days seem endless.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Today's Facebook Status...

If I was posting today on Facebook (I'm taking a bit of a break), my status would be...