Three years ago, Aaron and I were going through a lot of transition. There was a move to Michigan for 3 months, a visit to Swaziland, a purchase of cell phones and a pregnancy. We felt like life as we knew it had been dumped upside down. Well here we are three years later with a newly started church, a new job for me, and another pregnancy. Seems as if change and transition is part of the pregnancy game! The crazy thing is this baby's due date is the exact same day as Montana's was - December 22.
Yesterday we found out "junior" is not a girl, but a boy! Aaron, Montana and I were all convinced it was a girl. We had talked about girl names, watched sisters play at the park, and were looking forward to re-using all of Montana's clothers. Yet the little guy, according to the ultrasound, is definitely a little GUY! It took me the better part of yesterday to get used to the idea of having a boy. But today we are getting so excited to meet our little man and even bought a few things for him today. I know a lot of people like to be surprised about the sex of the baby these days, but I am so glad we found out. It gives me a greater connection with the pregnancy and my son that is growing inside of me. I love being able to say "him" and "he". I am so thankful that we can prepare Montana for a little brother. She was a bit disappointed when we told her that the baby is a boy. She said, "no she's a girl. I have a sister." She also is adjusting well to the idea of brother.
So, change, it is a comin' to the Walters house. Ready or not. Hopefully this little guy will not surprise us with an early arrival like Montana. We will be staying home this Thanksgiving, just in case!!