Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Montana Fun Facts

Seeing that this blog is a mix between an online baby book for Montana, a place for her Grandparents to keep up with her, and our random thoughts, I thought a few Montana facts were in order.

1. She is almost 15 months
2. Her very first haircut was on February 15. It wasn't much, but she was growing a mullet and it had to go.
3. She LOVES blueberries. Summer berry picking is calling our names.
4. She attempted to bite Will the other day. We intervened just in time and it was so hard not to laugh, but at the same time slightly disturbing to see her sinful nature bubble to the surface.
5. Yesterday she took a 4 hour nap (which is very unusual)!
6. She can say "hi" "bye" and "baby" very distinctly. She calls her blankie her "Bee-Bee."
7. She loves going outside
8. She has been on an airplane 5 times.
9. She is the friendliest, most adorable, lovable baby around. And we love her to pieces.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Hair Drama

Every now and then I get a crisis phone call from my sister. "I can't take it anymore. I'm going to cut it, Kate. Please stop me." I think I talk her down from the building (the salon building, that this) and the next day she calls telling me that she has a new haircut. She wasn't strong. She gave in to the bad hair day.
Considering Emily has never had her hair much longer than past her ears...this emergency call isn't so rare. Well today she called again...but this time it was a different phone call. She's going to do it...she's more adult now, more patient. She owns her own business for goodness sake. This time it's really going to happen...she's going to grow her hair out. And she's blogging about it. Maybe this will hold her accountable and keep her from the temptation of an impulsive visit to her stylist. This is like so many times in life when we need people around us to cheer for us, to beat sanity into our crazy thoughts. So here's to you, my sister, may your hair grow long and prosper.

Check out her blog here.

If you've known Aaron and I for awhile, you can probably recall some of our different hair phases. When we left for China we vowed not to cut our hair for the year...well that year turned into about 3 or 4. Aaron got dreads and my hair got very long. Then at one point we decided we should "grow up" and become more professional so off came the dreads and 8 inches of my thin hair went to locks of love. Now I think we are reverting back to those days once more. Aaron is growing his curly locks out and I recently got fed up with getting hair cuts that I can't stand, so I think I am joining my husband and sister in the journey of hair growth.

And one final thought on hair. One of the main reasons I married Aaron was for his hair. I'm not going to lie. I was really hoping to break my family's terrible hair gene pool. I figured that with his dark, thick, curly hair our future children would have a better hair life than my mother, sister and I ever did...

Well, Montana, all I can say is...I tried.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Snowshoeing with Shawna (try to say that 10 times)

Montana and I spent a splendid day snowshoeing with my beautiful friend, Shawna. It was a glorious, sunny day and we had wonderful conversation!